The origin of proverbs goes back to the need to communicate with each other. Each people or group of people go through a series of experiences throughout their lives and based on them learn lessons, they are direct advice on the wisdom acquired from experiences. These expressions have been passed orally from father to son to this day.Popular proverbs and sayings pass from generation to generation and never expire. Sayings are present throughout the world and in every language that exists on this planet and metaphorically express some principles and wisdom that have been learned over the years.In this app we present you a varied compilation of very popular sayings and sayings, we also present you a category of sayings with their meanings, and best of all! Its completely free!All the messages and sayings are free and you can share them on your social networks, with your friends and the people you love the most.We hope that this app is to your total liking, all the proverbs and sayings were compiled with much affection and love for you to enjoy.